Quick Intelligence - Keywords
You can use the following keywords in the Quick Intelligence Designer's search bar.
top n
Generates the top specified number of records from a sorted result
bottom n
Generates the bottom specified number of records from a sorted result
sort by
Sorts the result set by a column in your dataset
Grouping results by a column in your dataset
Date / Time
... before ...
Before a date
... after ...
After a date
... between ...
Between the range of values or time period (comma separated)
... today
The date is equal to today's date
... yesterday
The date is equal to yesterday's date
... last [n] ...
Date equal to last n day(s) / week(s) / month(s) / quarter(s) / year(s). The number is optional.
Group the result by year
Group the result by quarter
Group the result by month
Group the result by week
Group the result by day
by ... hourly
Group the result by hour from a date.
by QuarterName
Group the result by the name of the quarter
by MonthYear
Group the result by the year and the month name
by MonthName
Group the result by the year and the month name
by DayOfMonth
Group the result by the day of the month
by DayOfWeek
Group the result by the day of the week
by DayName
Group the result by the day name Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc
... not begins with ...
Attribute value does not start with a specific value
... ends with ...
Attribute ends with a specific value
... not ends with ...
Attribute does not end with a specific value
... contains ...
Attribute contains specific value(s) (comma separated)
... not contains ...
Attribute does not contain a specific value(s) (comma separated)
The averaged values of the specified column in your dataset
The max value of the specified column in your dataset
The min value of the specified column in your dataset
The sum of the values in the specified column in your dataset
unique count
The total number of unique values in the specified column in your dataset
Percentage ...
A number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100 based on the specified column in your dataset
Median ...
The middle value of a sorted list for the specified column within your dataset
TopQuartile ...
The value at the top quartile record (25%) for the specified column in your dataset
BottomQuartile ...
The value at the bottom quartile record (25%) for the specified column in your dataset
FlexRate (aggregate function) ...
Flex rate allows us to determine the average value of a specific parameter by aggregating data, performing a calculation on the total, and then distributing the result equally based on the count of records within a group
... = ...
Equal operator. This can be attr = value or attr = attr. Currently used for filtering
... <> ...
Not equal operator, currently used for filtering
... > ...
Greater than operator, currently used for filtering
... < ...
Less than operator, currently used for filtering
... >= ...
Greater than or equal to operator, currently used for filtering
... <= ...
Less than or equal to operator, currently used for filtering
Empty / Not Empty
... is empty
Value is empty, or isnull
... not empty
Value is not empty, or is not null